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How Many Moving Violations Are Needed Before My License Gets Suspended?

Oct 16, 2023

Moving Violations & License Suspensions

Speeding tickets are something that a lot of drivers will receive during their driving life. We often are in a hurry to get to work, get home, get to the kid’s sports game, or get to the store before it closes. This leads us to drive faster than the legal limit to get to our destinations faster. If you are caught doing this by law enforcement, you will be pulled over and issued a speeding ticket. You will then need to go to traffic court and pay a fine. The traffic violation for speeding will also be put on your driving record. It is important to keep in mind that having a certain number of violations will result in the suspension of your license.

The exact numbers are four or more moving traffic violations 12 months or seven or more violations in 24 months. This includes speeding tickets, failure to use turn signals, reckless driving, DUIs, and failure to yield. That is why you must always follow the law and be considerate of other drivers. Not doing so can lead to receiving moving violations and ultimately having your license suspended.

Contact Our Traffic Ticket Attorney Today!

We know that your driving license is vital to your everyday life. You need it to be able to drive to do all your daily essential tasks such as going to work, grocery shopping, and picking up your prescriptions. We all make mistakes and that does not exclude us when we are driving. We may forget to put on our seatbelts, drive too fast, roll through stop signs, or fail to yield to public emergency vehicles. This will sometimes result in a police officer pulling you over and issuing a traffic violation. If you receive too many violations too quickly, you may lose your license. However, you have a choice to fight your ticket in court. If you choose to do this, you will need the help of a traffic ticket attorney to represent you.

The Law Office of J. Fernando Treviño, P.C. is a traffic ticket attorney serving the San Antonio, TX area. We will fight for your rights and help you keep your license. Our attorney will help you explore your legal options to possibly help you plea your moving violation down or get your traffic ticket dismissed. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our attorney!

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